
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Gorilla Defense is now free on Google Play and Amazon

Gorilla Defense is a banana-throwing tower defense game for Android. Throw bananas at invading gorillas to knock them off buildings and protect your banana stash. It's fast-paced, fun, and unforgiving.

Try it on Google Play! (It's free!)

Or Amazon! (Also free!)

If you enjoyed Gorilla Defense, please rate it and share it with your friends.


  1. I've played a bit on Kongregate, nice game! The main improvements to me are the following:
    First - controls for throwing bananas: i didn't get it when the red target mark appears. It seems weird to see it appearing and disappearing for the first time. Maybe it should always be displayed while the current gorilla selected?
    Second - is there a feature to move already placed gorilla across the screen? I've placed several gorillas in the same point on screen and then can't make them target properly because they're overlaping each other.

    I'm also using Haxepunk for my home experiments and follow your contributions - keep it up! Good job.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! The tutorial and interface are things I'm constantly tweaking to try to make picking up the game more intuitive. Having killed tens of thousands of gorillas myself at this point, it's very helpful to hear peoples' initial thoughts. I'll definitely incorporate some of your suggestions (in fact, I already have on Kongregate.)
